Keywords: ecological and evolutionary genomics, transcriptomics, epigenetics, expression-QTL, adaptation

April 2024 Associate Professor of Genomics
Faculty of Aquaculture and Biosciences
Nord University, Norway

2023-2024 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral fellow
University of Helsinki, Finland
Concordia University, Canada
Project: SalmoScales - Evolution and molecular mechanisms of organ allometry in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Supervisor: Frederic Guillaume
Hosts: Dylan Fraser & Alisa Piekny

2018-2023 Postdoctoral fellow
University of Helsinki, Finland
Project: Molecular mechanisms of sex-dependent dominance in age at maturity of Atlantic salmon.
Supervisor: Craig Primmer

2014-2017 Postdoctoral fellow
Friedrich Miescher Laboratory of the Max Planck Society, Tübingen, Germany
Project: Gene regulatory evolution during adaptation in sticklebacks.
Supervisor: Felicity Jones

2008–2014 PhD
Université Laval, Quebéc, Canada
Supervisors: John Mackay & Christian Landry

2003–2008 MSc
University of Helsinki, Finland
Supervisor: Teemu Teeri